元革マルが何いってるんだ。普通選挙がデモクラシーをだめにした歴史も知らないのか。そういうやつが内ゲバで人殺しやってたんだな。 https://t.co/C53K7VSClJ
— 池田信夫 (@ikedanob) October 8, 2021
A fundamental principle in democratic elections, by which every citizen has the right to vote in periodic and regular elections and referenda. This right must be established by law. Restrictions may apply (minimum age, mental capacity), but the right to vote should not be denied on the basis of race, disability, literacy, gender, belief, party affiliation, wealth or social status
The right to vote gives citizens political power: a voter decides how he will begoverned. However, voting rights give citizens more power than one traditionally recognizes: not only does the power to vote give a citizen a say over his own rule, it also gives her a say over other people.1 The voter holds political power not just over himself, but also over all others who will be ruled by the result of the process.. I have the right to make decisions about my own life.
One man, one vote, or one person, one vote, expresses the principle that individuals should have equal representation in voting
Warren held that "legislators represent people, not trees or acres. Legislators are elected by voters, not farms or cities or economic interests."
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