これ山本太郎がよくいうが、管理通貨制と財政破綻は無関係。ロシアもメキシコもアルゼンチンも管理通貨制だった。知らない言葉を使う前に、経済学の教科書ぐらい読もう。 https://t.co/jdli7mJSPi
— 池田信夫 (@ikedanob) October 17, 2021
Modern Monetary Theory: Cautionary Tales from Latin America FALL 2019 • CATO JOURNAL VOL. 39 NO. 3 By Sebastian Edwards
What this perspective ignores is that hyperinflation — the outcome of many MMT‐type policies — is a form of default.
"The United States is not Venezuela … the US government borrows a lot of money. About a third of the borrowing is from foreigners … it's not a problem in the way that, let's say, if Venezuela borrowed from foreigners, or Argentina, or a lot of developing and less-developed countries," explains Kuperberg. "Because those countries, when they borrow from foreigners, borrow in dollars. They can't print the dollars. So if their currency starts to depreciate against the dollar for whatever reason, it becomes almost impossible for them to pay off their debt. The MMT people totally understand this and they say that for a country that borrows in its own currency, this is not a problem, and they're right."
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