
バイデン大統領 フルチンと追加接種で変異種に対応する、と。


Most of all, experts stress that getting unvaccinated people vaccinated is the most important step that can be taken to protect a nation in which 18 percent of U.S. adults still do not have any shots of vaccine.

It is extremely unlikely that the omicron variant will render the current vaccines totally useless, experts say, so vaccines are still the best defense.

Booster shots can help build up immune defenses even more to help protect against the variant. All U.S. adults 18 and over are now eligible for a booster, but data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows 80 percent of fully vaccinated people have not received one yet. The agency on Monday strengthened its recommendation to say all adults “should” get a booster.

President Biden stressed vaccinations and boosters as the main response to the variant in an address on Monday, where he said he is keeping lockdowns off the table “for now.

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