
‘g’doinked’. 町山くんのために調べておいた

Day’s version of Judge Schroeder claimed that despite the controversy stirred up by his handling of the trial, it was in fact “all standard procedure.” He added: “That’s why I ordered that the prosecution not use the word ‘victims’. They were ‘rioters’. And they weren’t ‘shot’. They were ‘g’doinked’. But that did not give my client an unfair advantage in any way.”

Urban Dictionary 


How would you write the sound of a basketball hitting the ground (cement)? The dribbling sound. What's the onomatopoeia?

Simon Ward

, former Writer

Answered Aug 6

I use “gdoink gdoink gdoink”. Notice the difference from the more common “gdoing”, which is for more springy things. I find “gdoink” also works for the sound of a golf ball hitting someone on the head.

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 How to Pronounce Gdoink-gdoink



Men shot by Rittenhouse can't be called 'victims,' but 'rioters ...

The three men Kyle Rittenhouse shot during a protest against police brutality in Wisconsin can be labeled rioters, looters or arsonists if the teenager's defense team has evidence to support the characterizations — but they shouldn't be called victims, the judge in his murder trial ruled this week.

被害者→暴徒 はホンマに近いんだ? 

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