Data on fatal shootings by police in the U.S. have shown that while more white people than black people are killed by police overall, black people are killed at higher rates relative to population size. Since 2015, The Washington Post has logged every fatal shooting by an on-duty police officer in the U.S. ( here ). According to The Post, “Although half of the people shot and killed by police are white, black Americans are shot at a disproportionate rate,” being “killed by police at more than twice the rate of white Americans.”
白人も警官の横暴な暴行の被害者なわけで、だから、Stop Police brutality ってやったほうがより多くの白人の協力が得られたんじゃないか、とも思うけど。
警官にしてみれば、しかし、「ばかやろう、被疑者は、拳銃もっているかもしれんだぞっ、ビシッとやんないとおれらの命もやばい、Police lives matter だぜ」とかなるんだろうね。
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