
Independence, Orwell maintained,requires the ability to resist external aggression by means of war,


George Orwell on politics and war |

Politics, war, and pacifism
According to the poet Herbert Read, Orwell’s profound humanitarianism left him conflicted on the question of war. ‘Consistently he would have been a pacifist, but he could not resist the quixotic impulse to spring to arms in defence of the weak or oppressed.

A willingness and ability to use force are also necessary if aggression is to be resisted. Indeed a ‘government which refused to use violence in its own defence would cease almost immediately to exist, because it could be overthrown by any body of men, or even any individual, that was less scrupulous.’ 6 The same point also pertains to relationships between states. Independence, Orwell maintained, requires the ability to resist external aggression by means of war, which in turn demands the capacity to manufacture large numbers of the latest weapons. 7 Otherwise a state cannot be free from the threat of subjugation. Ultimately, therefore, every polity rests on coercion, even if this is not apparent on a daily basis.

For one thing pacifists who looked down their noses at the unpleasant business of war, all the while accepting the protection of the state they lived in, were behaving hypocritically. By refusing to dirty their hands, they were passing responsibility for their security onto others whilst denigrating their efforts in the process. They were, as Rudyard Kipling had put it, ‘making mock of uniforms that guard you while you sleep’.

And although it was easy to criticise British democracy for its many real hypocrisies, efforts to equate it with Nazism rested on the spurious argument ‘that a difference of degree is not a difference’. 15 If secret police did actually operate in Britain then nobody was afraid of them, and a journalist such as Orwell could say what he wished and ‘safely ignore their presence’. 16 Indeed the fact that a British pacifist was free to criticise his own country, whereas a German pacifist was not, demonstrated that the degree of political freedom each state permitted differed sufficiently to make relative judgements possible, and to make choosing sides politically meaningful.

"Pacifism Is Objectively Pro-Fascist"
FEBRUARY 26, 2010

We are told that it is only people's objective actions that matter, and their subjective feelings are of no importance. Thus pacifists, by obstructing the war effort, are "objectively" aiding the Nazis; and therefore the fact that they may be personally hostile to Fascism is irrelevant.







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