
「我が娘たちはレズビアン! 娘のことだいすき!娘をいじめないで」と35年間掲示を掲げた母親


This is Frances Goldin, who sadly died in May 2020. She carried the same sign for decades and was a wonderful ally who will never be forgotten. #LGBTHistoryMonth

PinkNewsさんの投稿 2021年2月23日火曜日

Frances Goldin

From Wikipedia,

 Goldin was a recognizable figure in multiple protest movements and marches. She was a longtime advocate for LGBTQ rights and participated in the NYC Pride March for 35 years. She was known to carry a sign that read, "I Adore my Lesbian Daughters KEEP THEM SAFE,"[13] and she became a recognizable figure of the parades.[14]

As she aged, Goldin continued to protest. In 2011, Goldin was involved in the Occupy Wall Street protests. She was known to carry a sign that said, “I’m 87 and MAD AS HELL."[14] In 2018, when she was 92 years old, she participated in the Women's March in a wheelchair. She raised her fist and chanted, "92 and Comin’ Through![6]



かっちょいい! サイコーじゃん!


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