
”Never had any issues with the questioning or the police in Japan”


Helping citizens find good ramen is part of serving and protecting, right? https://soranews24.com/2021/02/25/tokyo-police-stopped-us-for-random-questioning-so-we-asked-them-to-recommend-a-good-restaurant/

SoraNews24さんの投稿 2021年2月24日水曜日


 As we’ve mentioned before, our Japanese-language reporter Mr. Sato tends to get stopped on the street by the police a lot, and not because he’s up to no good. It’s not unusual for him to get randomly stopped on his way to or from our office, for example.



 Jason Fan

Happened to me a few times too. Got introduced to really nice ramen shops as well. Never had any issues with the questioning or the police in Japan

John Szalay

I got pulled in for questioning by Japanese police once many years ago. It was just days after the nightclub bombing (which isn't even in Japan). Happened just after leaving the train station. Very polite. Served me tea while they called my in-laws house to confirm my passport which I had forgotten to carry that day. They were just extra cautious after the bombing they said and didn't see many foreigners in that little suburban station. I believe him.

ジョンソン ジャルバ

SoraNews24 I do that many times to them, they laugh 😂 and help me with directions lol 😂

Christopher Hughes

Got visited by the police twice because someone phoned in a noise complaint. Still don't know who it was but I have my suspicions. Wasn't making any noise. Anyway, the police that came were fairly friendly and polite. It was clear that they were being inconvenienced by this idiot and unfortunately the law in Japan states that all calls to 110 have to be investigated. In my country, the police wouldn't give you the time of day. Not sure if that is a good thing or bad.




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