
51% of French workers under 30 had sex during working hours under lockdown

buveryさんがリツイート Sexe et travail, un fantasme pas né de la dernière pandémie CHRONIQUE Maïa Mazaurette Ces relations, qui doivent rester consenties, prospèrent sur l’ennui et l’attrait pour l’interdit, rappelle la chroniqueuse Maïa Mazaurette.Publié le 20 décembre 2020 à 00h17 - Mis à jour le 20 décembre 2020 à 1 

 Do you often have sex during your working hours? The question may seem cavalier ... and yet, there is no point in getting on your high horse: these little pleasures are frequent. Very frequent. During the second confinement, a third of workers took advantage of this flexibility offered by teleworking: especially young people (51% of those under 30 had sex during work) and bosses (38% of business leaders , according to the IFOP / Gleeden survey published on December 9, 2020).

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