
Beijing says Taiwan's unification with China is 'inevitable

 中国、強硬姿勢続く米国にいらだち 台湾問題ではクギ


Beijing says Taiwan's unification with China is 'inevitable' despite election result

Lily Kuo in Beijing

Tue 14 Jan 2020 05.30 GMT

On Monday while on a tour in Africa, the foreign minister, Wang Yi, said: “The unification of the two sides of the strait is a historical inevitability,” Xinhua news agency reported.

He described those going against this trend as bound to “stink for 10,000 years” – an idiom to say one will go down in infamy.

China tells Biden to reverse 'dangerous practice' on Taiwan


March 7, 2021

“The Chinese government has no room for compromise,” Wang said.

“We urge the new U.S. administration to fully understand the high sensitivity of the Taiwan issue” and “completely change the previous administration’s dangerous practices of ‘crossing the line’ and ‘playing with fire,’” he said.


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