



Resurgence of COVID-19 in Manaus, Brazil, despite high seroprevalence

There are at least four non-mutually exclusive possible explanations for the resurgence of COVID-19 in Manaus.


First, the SARS-CoV-2 attack rate could have been overestimated during the first wave, and the population remained below the herd immunity threshold until the beginning of December, 2020

Second, immunity against infection might have already begun to wane by December, 2020

Third, SARS-CoV-2 lineages might evade immunity generated in response to previous infection

Fourth, SARS-CoV-2 lineages circulating in the second wave might have higher inherent transmissibility than pre-existing lineages circulating in Manaus.


1)集団免疫に達していなかった 2)免疫力が12月には弱まっていた。3)変異株は抗体をすり抜けて感染 4)変異株は感染力が強い



Virus Variant in Brazil Infected Many Who Had Already Recovered From Covid-19

 To reduce the risks of P.1 outbreaks and reinfections, Dr. Faria said it was important to double down on every measure we have to slow the spread of the coronavirus. Masks and social distancing can work against P.1. And vaccination can help drive down its transmission and protect those who do get infected from severe disease.

“The ultimate message is that you need to step up all the vaccination efforts as soon as possible,” he said. “You need to be one step ahead of the virus.”

Combining the data from genomes, antibodies and medical records in Manaus, the researchers concluded that P.1 conquered the city thanks not to luck but biology: Its mutations helped it spread. Like B.1.1.7, it can infect more people, on average, than other variants can. They estimate it is somewhere between 1.4 and 2.2 times more transmissible than other lineages of coronaviruses

They found that the vaccine-generated antibodies were less effective at stopping the P.1 variant than other types.

And even if the variant manages to infect vaccinated people, they will most likely remain shielded from a severe bout of Covid-19.





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