フランス革命の標語は、『liberte', egalite', fraternite'』 『自由、平等、博愛』と訳されますが、米国では『freedom and justice for all』です。儒教研究で有名な加地先生は、justice は『正義』ではなく『公平』だと言います。『均衡を取り戻す』という感覚がある。『衡平』でも良い。
— buvery (@buvery) March 10, 2021
ジョン・ロールズの「公平としての正義」という論文で有名ですけど、たしかに公平と正義はたぶん、かなり重なる。しかし、少なくとも一見ぴったり重ならないから”Justice as fairness”とあえて主張したわけでしょう。「正義」の概念の歴史なんてみるとプラトンの時代から随分変遷もある。
Equity vs. Equality: What’s the Difference
Turning to socio-economic equality, there seems to be a negative relationship between inequality and freedom (Figure 2). Higher levels of freedom are associated with lower levels of socioeconomic inequality. In other words, we see the same substantive relationship as in Figure 1. The distribution of cases runs from the upper left to the lower right simply because high Gini coefficients represent less equal societies. Again, the evidence points to mutual compatibility, not mutualexclusivity.ConclusionIn contrast to the far from resolved debate within political philosophy, the empirical relationship between freedom and equality is rather clear-cut – at least in our analysis of 54 established and emerging democracies for the period from 1990 to 2012. Contrary to the traditional libertarian fear of a trade-off between freedom and equality, as proposed originally by Tocqueville and radicalized over a hundred years later by, for example, von Hayek, we find that the two core principles of democracy (freedom and equality) possess a mutually reinforcing association, as arguedmost forcefully in the work of Sen.
Equality implies the elimination of disadvantage. Freedom is a redistributive idea, implying that the freedom of some must be restricted to increase the freedom of others.
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