加州のGDPの10%はすでに違法移民の労働によるもの。とっくに仕事にあぶれた連中が日銭のためドアを叩いて「庭掃除させて下さい」やってる程度ならともかく犯罪に走る。労働者と競合せずとも税率一番、ホームレス数一番になってその上さらに増税と犯罪率増ではウェルカムするのは搾取する層のみ。 https://t.co/QJPhH0jU3r
— TillyB フォロー前にプロフ読んで! (@TillyBeeTilly) March 7, 2021
Undocumented immigrants far less likely to commit crimes in U.S. than citizens
“They have a tremendous incentive to avoid criminal wrongdoing. The greatest fear among undocumented immigrants is getting in legal trouble that leads to deportation,” says Light, whose work is supported by the National Science Foundation and National Institute of Justice.
Another factor at work may be that immigration, especially illegal entry into the U.S., is not easy. It attracts people with particular motives.
“There’s lots of opportunity to commit crimes in Mexico and Venezuela and other places people are emigrating from,” Light says. “The argument is that many people who want to immigrate are selected on attributes like ambition to achieve, to find economic opportunities, and those types of things aren’t very highly correlated with having a criminal propensity.”
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