
Jeannie Suk Gersen's silence over America's comort women is “complicity.”




By Jeannie Suk Gersen

March 13, 2021


Seeking the True Story of the Comfort Women

How a Harvard professor’s dubious scholarship reignited a history of mistrust between South Korea and Japan.


the comfort-women system was not one in which Korean women were forced, coerced, and deceived into sexual servitude and confined under threat of violence. Ramseyer called that account “pure fiction.” Instead, he claimed that Korean comfort women “chose prostitution” and entered “multi-year indenture” agreements with entrepreneurs to work at war-front “brothels” in China and Southeast Asia. Purporting to use game theory, he said that the economic structure of the contracts reflected that the sex work was voluntarily chosen. “Prostitutes have followed armies everywhere, and they followed the Japanese army in Asia,” he wrote.

 Korean women were sold by their parents or deceived into sexual servitude and confined under debt bondage. Korean comfort women   entered “multi-year indenture” agreements with entrepreneurs to work at war-front “brothels” in China and Southeast Asia just like  America's comfort women

 In South Korea, reckoning with the role of native recruiters in entrapping fellow-Koreans, and with impoverished families in allowing their girls to be taken, has been difficult, to say the least. 

South Koreans have never faced up to history

Sex slavery exists before, during, and after the Japanese administration of Korea

Under Abe, the environment in Japan became “inhospitable to objective historical inquiry” on the subject of comfort women, as Alexis Dudden, a historian of modern Japan and Korea at the University of Connecticut, put it

Abe is much better than Alexis Dudden in admitting the suffering of comfort women.

Abe said

“I am deeply pained to think about the ‘comfort women’ who experienced immeasurable pain and suffering as a result of victimization due to human trafficking

Dudden has never spoken up for ex-sex slaves for U.S.military

Later that year, Gordon and Dudden were among the organizers of a separate letter about comfort women, which was eventually signed by hundreds of scholars of Japanese studies at universities on several continents. 

See. She has been covering up America's comfort women. Americans don't know about sex slavery for the U.S. military because it's not in their history books!

In 2015, Japan and Korea reached a new agreement, with the encouragement of the Obama Administration, in which Prime Minister Abe expressed “his most sincere apologies and remorse” to the comfort women.

But keep in mind in 1994 Japan had set up  Asian Women's Fund and already distributed additional compensation to South Korea, the Philippines, Taiwan, the Netherlands, and Indonesia and apologized.

Meanwhile, Japan has furiously objected to the installation of comfort-women statues around the world

I am Japanese but I am not furious. I am telling people to  put up  comfort-women statues around the world  saying that the U.S. South Korea and Germany should follow Japan's suit, apologizing to and compensating the former sex slaves their military exploited

Eckert and Gordon did not think it was reasonable to infer, from sample prewar or wartime prostitution contracts for Japanese women, that Korean women entered similarly termed or structured contracts for sex work serving the Japanese military at the front.


It seems there are Korean comfort women's 'testimonies about the contracts

I gathered he thought that, if Korean women had similar contracts for work in wartime comfort stations, that labor could also be characterized as voluntary rather than sex slavery.

"Prostitution" under debt bondage is sex slavery. 

Asian women were sex slaves for the Japanese military, the U.S. military, and Korean military.  

Let me quote Walter Hatch

I am astounded by the hypocrisy of Korean government officials and American critics of Japanese wartime behavior.”



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