エスパー米国国防長官が在韓米軍の維持を約束しなかったので、米軍が撤退すればもはや核武装しかなくなると狼狽しているが、そもそも韓国が核武装すれば、全世界の敵となるのを理解しているのだろうか。https://t.co/ioIiGbKju8— buvery (@buvery) 2019年11月21日
cough up
Trump may believe that if the United States withdrew from South Korea, the costs associated with maintaining the servicemembers would disappear -- but that's not what would happen. They would need to be housed, fed, and supported no matter where they were redeployed, including inside the United States. In 2016 hearings before the Senate Armed Services Committee, the late Sen. John McCain asked the nominee for United States Forces Korea commander Vincent Brooks if "it would cost more to keep those troops stationed in the United States than it would be in Korea?" to which Brooks replied, "Absolutely, Senator."
Seoul and Tokyo are no doubt questioning that reliability and commitment, and they are right to do so, at least as it pertains to the White House.
Some states may find it necessary to bandwagon with China or Russia. Others will pursue their own nuclear deterrent and spark regional arms races.
もっとも、経済的な理由ではなく、北朝鮮の非核化の quid pro quo交換条件としてなら、いいとは思うんだよね、おれとしては。米韓同盟も破棄しちゃってさ。
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