あとなぜ #BlackLivesMatter の流れで米国警察機構改善に行き着くのかが日本語圏で殆ど理解されてないのも問題。米警察の始祖は脱走奴隷狩りなんです。こういう背景を理解してないと「悪い事したら警察に捕まるのは当然では?」的な薄っぺら議論しかできない。#SystemicRacismhttps://t.co/s1E3e9MDTe
— Ken Sugar🌏 (@ken_sugar) June 17, 2020
そもそも、Police とは
the civil force of a state, responsible for the prevention and detection of crime and the maintenance of public order.犯罪の抑止、犯人確保、公共の秩序を維持するためにあるが、
Policing in southern slave-holding states had roots in slave patrols, squadrons made up of white volunteers empowered to use vigilante tactics to enforce laws related to slavery. They located and returned enslaved people who had escaped, crushed uprisings led by enslaved people and punished enslaved workers found or believed to have violated plantation rules.
Policing in southern slave-holding states had roots in slave patrols, squadrons made up of white volunteers empowered to use vigilante tactics to enforce laws related to slavery. They located and returned enslaved people who had escaped, crushed uprisings led by enslaved people and punished enslaved workers found or believed to have violated plantation rules.
The History of Policing in the United States - Police Studies pdf
More than crime, modern police forces in the United States emerged as a response to “disorder.” What constitutes social and public order depends largely on who is defining those terms, and in the cities of 19th century America they were defined by the mercantile interests, who through taxes and political influence supported the development of bureaucratic policing institutions.
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