Before he was apprehended, Carrillo reportedly scrawled the word "boog" and "I became unreasonable" in blood on the hood of a car.BLM デモで警備していた警官を殺害した犯人はブーグだった、と。
"Boog" is short for boogaloo, which, according to NBC News, is a far-right anti-government movement that began on the extremist site 4chan and aims to start a second American civil war.
The phrase "I became unreasonable" has seemingly become a meme in public Boogaloo communities on Facebook.
Authorities say they also found a "boogaloo" patch in the van the duo used.
Boogaloo' Is The New Far-Right Slang For Civil Warで取り上げられていたグループが早速でてきましたね。
こっちは、警官ではなく、銅像を引き倒そうとしていた人を撃った、というのだが、犯人は、 armed right-wing militia
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