

1/ I love this show and but I didn't watch this part of this week's show. Watching the full segment on NHK Plus now.

2/ The show starts explaining that the protests, which included in Osaka, were triggered by white policeman murdering a black person. Next shows images of Macys borded up and result of initial riots. Next say initial riots have subsided into peaceful protests

3/ NHK props asking what led up to this reaction to this murder. Explain history of police violence triggering riots - showing Rodney King beating and riots that followed.

4/ Presenter asks why do these things keep happening. Explanation that white police officers act fearfully toward minorities. Also proliferation of guns in US. Explain that black people are 2.5 times more likely to be shot and killed by police than white people.

5/ Presenter explains that given that this happens to black people who have done nothing wrong, it can only be interpreted as racism. Commenters agree, those statistics indicate this is racism by police.

6/ Ah, at 6:54 it starts, they go deeper into this, saying that protests are also in part due to economic disparity. And then a puppet says "let me explain" and the video clip everyone is outraged at starts, going into other conditions impacting black people by way of background

7/ Now I'm watching that clip with people giving their cartoonish list of feelings of injustice. Starts by talking about economic disparity between black and white. Average white person has 7 times the assets of black people in US.

8/ Now saying how Coronavirus disproportionately impacted black communities, 45% of job layoffs relating to it being black people. And now cartoons of people looking angry. Back to studio.

9/ Studio commenting that the disadvantaged position of black people has been worsening. Graph showing average household assets of white and black families in USA dramatically widening, first in the 1980s and especially since 2010

10/ Presenter explaining economic discrimination leads to lack of access to education and jobs which exacerbates the difference. Commenter says "she understands why people feel injustice". Next they go to interviews with black protesters.

11/ Interviewing protesters at a peaceful protest in Los Angeles to ask them why they are demonstrating. One is an organizer seeking social change, say that she "feels" there is deeply rooted racism in America.

11/ They quote her only for about 5 seconds saying that the outpouring right now is the result of pent up day to day injustice

12/ Show images of LA Riots. The protest organizer (Dana Keel (?)) feels that things have not changed for black people since then. Police are still racist and violent toward black people. Asking how the country got to be like this (according to Japanese voiceover)

13/ She's not talking about Coronavirus but presenter says that Coronavirus poured fuel on the fire of discontent. Explain that Dana has to support two children but he has lost 70% income as Lyft driver due to the virus. She is talking how the virus is contributing to disparity.

14/ Dana is asking how the country is supposed to be a democracy but black people always bear the brunt of anything that hurts the economy. Back to Studio.

15/ Studio discussion, how all these conditions aggravate the feelings of systemic discrimination against black people. Police racism and economic disparity make black people feel that racism in the USA is worsening.

16/ Talking next about hopes 11 years ago when Obama was elected that some hoped USA was turning a corner. Pointed out however that some racist white people reacted that Obama can't represent them. Commenter recoils at how horrible those people must be.

17/ Presenter now explains that all the whites that were resentful at Obama becoming president piled their discontent into supporting Trump. Commenters say "oh, THAT's why people voted for Trump?!" Presenter says yes, frustrated right wing white people.

18/ Quote a survey that 83% of black people have responded to a survey saying that they feel racism in America has worsened since Trump became president. Commenter says "yeah, I get that." Say it's weird how Obama brought out reactive white racists like that

19. Now going back to America based journalist trying to interview people to understand what is really a very complex race relations issue. Man in America says covering the demos, he realized how deep seated the problem of racism remains in the USA

20/ He says demonstrators he interviewed talk of the bar being higher for black people to get good jobs than others. And even for those that get such jobs, it's difficult to get recognition in such jobs. Demonstrators are young and want to eradicate racism and injustice.

21/ He said however that some white people told him that black crime rates are higher and no one holds demonstrations like this when white people are killed. Local correspondent feels the gulf of understanding in USA remains wide. Doesn't think it is easy to fix deeply rooted racism

22/ Commenter and presenters talk about depth of the problems are still very hard to bridge there. Prop cracks and widens further apart. Presenter says "however groups protesting are various groups, not just black people. Also: "ANTIFA" (here we go...)

23/ ANTIFA cartoon is two angry looking white kids in black shirts with fire behind them. And on the other side across from them, two very similar looking angry white kids in red shirts with fire behind them and a label saying "white supremacists."

24/ Commenter says "okay, I understand white supremacists. What are ANTIFA?" Answer is that they oppose racism, but get in trouble for their own extreme actions. They seek out confrontations with white supremacist groups. Images of fighting between ANTIFA and white supremacists

25/ Now showing images from 2017 of ANTIFA riots smashing shops in Washington. Have some blond curly haired 16yr old looking kid on screen saying "sure, we destroy property and smash windows but this isn't violence, just making voices heard."

26/ Commentator frowning at blond kid who likes to break things comment saying "yeeeah, not so sure about THAT..." Presenter says "some don't see it as violence". Commenter says "well, it looks like violence to me". Presenter says, well, let's talk about white supremacists now

27/ Presenter points out that some white supremacists have been arrested for attempting to instigate violence in the demonstrations. They are seeking to deliberately foment societal chaos. Commenter says "they represent opposite views but both are extreme".

28/ Presenter explains that beyond race, the other thing causing this separation is increasing polarization within US society. Prop cracks and moves apart. Left and right are separating due to dissatisfaction with US society. Economic disparity increasing. Left and right separating

29/ Explaining that current economic disparity started accelerating under Obama period. When Obama tried to remedy it with social measures to help underpriveleged, right wing rebelled believing US society shouldn't offer welfare support. Accelerated the split.

30/ Now asking "so how did Trump respond to this?" Talking to man in Washington. Man in Washington says he tried to act like a strongman, even deployed federal troops. But people feel he is acting like an authoritarian. People can't believe troops are pointing weapons at citizens.

31/ Correspondent thinks political fighting will likely intensify toward the November election. Commenter says "so Biden is getting popular". Presenter says "yeah, but there is still no clear answer to these problems. And politics there is getting more polarized and extreme

32/ Wrap up: Presenter declares this is an age of polarization. And not just in the US but globally. Injustice and economic disparity is increasing and no one seems to have any answers. Need to ask ourselves are we listening enough to people facing injustice here in Japan.

33/ If America can't do something to address the problems causing this polarization, it is likely Japan will get caught up in the consequences also. School bell rings, end of class.




Angry black man instilling the stereotype of "Angry black Americans" into the Japanese.

NHK Mr.シップのBLMについての間違った説明のスクリプトーー差別的なのか?

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