Baye McNeil Hiko Saemon Burly is fine, but in this instance, the embodiment of white supremacy, namely the police officer who choked a black man to death with impunity, would have been a better burly caricature. THEY are the fucking threat! WE are the fucking victims. Any video that confuses that fundamental fucking message is flawed, in a racist kinda way. You know? Like the producer simply could not fathom black victims...they must have deserved it, brought it on themselves, with their inherent aggressive behavior. I just wanna ring their fucking necks for thinking and feeling that way. But I can't. Pulling that video does not appease, nor does that half-asses apology, so we are not done with you NHK!に描くのは問題ない、むしろ白人の警官をBurlyにしかも怖い存在として描け、と。
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