

My Mother Got Vaccinated. Is It Now Safe To Visit?

February 8, 2021

 Before the visit, double-check to make sure the person you are visiting has had two shots and that it has been two weeks since the second dose. In that case, it's OK to visit, agrees McKoy. "You should still wear your mask, make sure your hands are sanitized and you should still socially distance," she says.

The vaccine doesn't switch our normal lives back on, Omer cautions. It's more like a dimmer switch. After two doses, "it's OK to socialize a little bit more, but it's not time for bingo night. It's not time for square dancing."

Even if your loved one has been vaccinated, they could still become mildly infected. Remember, the clinical trials only looked at whether the vaccines prevent severe disease, not infection, so a vaccinated person could unknowingly pass the virus on to you and others. That's why it's so important for people who've been vaccinated to keep wearing their masks, avoid crowded indoor places and socially distance.


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