
For those who got their second shot 12 or more weeks after the first, the vaccine was 82.4% effective in protecting against COVID-19 disease


 AstraZeneca and Oxford scientists report that two doses of their vaccine was overall 66.7% effective in protecting against COVID-19 disease. 

Here’s what the researchers report: After getting a single shot, 76% of participants were protected against disease for up to three months afterwards. From there, their levels of antibodies generated against the virus—which scientists believe are important to protect against disease—began to drop. Those results suggest that while two doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine are preferable, a single dose could still be useful—for about three months—in controlling COVID-19.

The new study also shows that if people are getting two shots, spacing them apart for up to three months could increase their level of protection. For those who got their second shot 12 or more weeks after the first, the vaccine was 82.4% effective in protecting against COVID-19 disease; among those who got their second shot less than six weeks after the first, the efficacy was 54.9%.

Moderna’s and PfizerBioNTech’s vaccines are both 94% to 95% effective in protecting against COVID-19 disease after two shots.

やっぱ、モデルナやファイザーのほうがいいことはいいけどなあ。 予防率94%、95%だもんなあ。


 で面白いのが、6週間以前に2発目うつと効果は54.9% 12週間以上あけると効果は82.4%・・・・短期間で2回うつと効果がさがるのか?・・・・ここらへんよおわからんな、意味が。


Germany recommends AstraZeneca COVID-19 shot only for under 65s



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