
Asian lives matter: Violence against them has often been dismissed


 Black attacks on Asians: racism or opportunity?


Chronicle Staff Writer

May 2, 2010

Now Chen and his family have joined a chorus of voices in the Bay Area saying that the increasingly visible and deadly incidents of black-on-Asian violence are racially motivated.

While some of the suspects in the latest attacks have been Black, Kim says it’s “not just a Black and Asian issue. It is something in the psyche of this country where somehow it’s OK to abuse physically or verbally abuse Asian Americans.”

“We’re being scapegoated,” the actor added.

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Kim’s tweet brought up mixed feelings for many in the AAPI community. On one hand, Kim identified a longtime grievance for many Asian Americans—that violence against them has often been dismissed and that their struggles and even their existence often feel invisible to others in this country

Many in the AAPI community were troubled by the actor’s social media post, given that the alleged attacker was a Black man. Kim Tran, a consultant and writer, voiced her disagreement with this tactic on Twitter.

That perspective is informed by a long and complicated history between the Asian American and Black communities in the U.S., which has included both solidarity—like the Third World Liberation Front, which helped create equal education opportunities for students of color and the creation of ethnic studies—as well as interracial conflict. Mabute-Louie makes the case that fostering anti-Black sentiment or focusing on interracial conflict in this moment takes away from recognizing that racism is a result of white supremacy.

 アメリカの黒人とアジア系住民とは、敵対関係、協力関係など複雑で、アジア系を襲う黒人がいることはたしかであるが、それでもって、アジア系 対 黒人の対立軸に焦点をあわせてしまうことになるのはまずいのではないか、と。また、警察による褐色系住民に対する暴力も問題になっている今日、警察による監視を増やすのも問題。



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