ワクチン接種後も距離確保とマスク着用は必須 https://t.co/vZdy6QqQbF PCのワクチンと同様それにより自身に症状が発生しなくなるがウイルス自体はキャリーしており他人に感染させることは可能。では生活上何が変わるのかというと少人数で集まることが可能になる。
— Spica (@Kelangdbn) March 7, 2021
For example, as vaccines continue to roll out, small gatherings of vaccinated people will become more common. Those same people then need to be conscientious about social distancing and mask-wearing in public, as they could potentially transmit the disease in the wider community.
The hope is that as more and more of the public is vaccinated, fewer people will have severe cases of Covid-19, and the pressure on the health system will decline with the prevalence of the disease.
結局 これ。
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