【本日の法政治用語】— buvery (@buvery) 2019年11月16日
exculpatory 形容詞、無罪を示す
ex 外、culpa 罪、exculpate 動詞、無罪にする
ナンシー ペロシ下院議長が、ウータンの無罪を示す物があるなら、さっさと出してほしい、と言っている。https://t.co/am3qapsCRS
私の経験では、ほとんど確実に exculpatory evidenceと使う。
Exculpatory evidence is evidence favorable to the defendant in a criminal trial that exonerates or tends to exonerate the defendant of guilt.It is the opposite of inculpatory evidence, which tends to present guilt.
2 検察官の開示義務
In many countries, including the United States, police and prosecutors are required to disclose to the defendant exculpatory evidence they possess before the defendant enters a plea (guilty or not guilty).[2]
米国では、連邦法で、exculpatory evidence つまり、被告人の無罪を示す証拠を検察が入手したときは、直ちに弁護側に提供することが義務付けられている。これがバレると、後で連邦から訴追される。日本では、被告人に有利な証拠を検察が示す義務はない。これは、米国が優れている点だと思う。— buvery (@buvery) 2019年11月16日
An Introduction to Exculpatory Evidence under US Law for the Uzbek Prosecutor David M. Siegel1 Abstract: Failure to disclose material exculpatory evidence that was known or should have been known to the prosecutor can cause the overturning of a conviction, but recent criticisms suggest this is an insufficient incentive for prosecutors to fully comply with their obligations,
C. Professional Policies and Standards Although this federal constitutional duty (which thus applies to all prosecutors in all courts in the US, whether in federal or state court) does not require prosecutors to disclose everything in their files to the defense lawyers, professional policies, advisory standards, and model rules of ethics have recommended broader disclosure of exculpatory evidence to defense lawyers.
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