
Mouth cancer rates in the UK have 'DOUBLED in a generation' and oral sex is to blame as smoking and drinking

Mouth cancer rates in the UK have 'DOUBLED in a generation' to a record high and oral sex is almost as much to blame as smoking and drinking, charity warns Mouth cancer diagnoses have shot up by 135 per cent over the past two decades Last year seven people died every day, with a total 8,337 diagnosed in the UK HPV, sexually transmitted disease, causes 73 per cent of mouth cancer diagnosis By JACK ELSOM FOR MAILONLINE PUBLISHED: 11:10 GMT, 1 November 2019 | 


The report claims human papillomavirus (HPV) - a common group of viruses which are mainly spread through sexual activity - causes 73 per cent of oropharyngeal mouth cancers.

性交渉によって拡散される ヒトパピローマウイルスが、口腔がんの73%の原因になっている、というから、すごいですね。

5 Tips for Preventing Oral Cancer

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