
Black Lives Matter and the fight against the US empire are one and the same.

"What we have to do is recognise that the funeral of George Floyd, where tears are flowing... they have [similar] funerals in the West Bank because of US policy [and] US bombs mediated through [the] Israel Defense Forces," West told MEE.

"They have funerals like that in Yemen... they got funerals like that in Pakistan, in Afghanistan. They've got funerals like that in Mali.

"They've got funerals like that all around the world that the United States is very much playing a disproportionate role in facilitating, if not playing a direct role. So in the tradition of Martin Luther King Jr, we have to be morally consistent in our critique of US racism, militarism, poverty, as well as materialism," West said.

"I think that the fundamental impulse behind the rage is the indictment of elites who are unaccountable. So it has to do with police power and police murder in the Black community," West says.

"It has to do with Wall Street power and Wall Street crimes in terms of the legalised looting that's been taking place for so long on Wall Street with high levels of wealth inequality flowing there from. It has to do with Pentagon power, and the not just the drones dropped on innocent people all around the world in Yemen and Libya and Pakistan and Afghanistan, and other places."


"But he helped militarise those police departments. He helped generate the levels of poverty when he had bailed out the Wall Street criminals. And we haven't gotten to the foreign policy yet, in terms of dropping bombs on innocent brothers and sisters in different parts of the world, especially in the Middle East, and Asia. We haven't even gotten to the killing of innocent Palestinian brothers and sisters with the US-supported Israel Defense Forces," West added.


He has since called Obama a "black face of the American empire and he [has], in my view, commit[ted] war crimes with his drones in Pakistan and Yemen and Somalia and Libya".

black faces of the Ameircan empire

 "It's like asking Palestinian brothers and sisters, let's just talk about the plight and predicament of Palestinians without talking about US imperial policies. You can't do it, if you really love Palestinians. 

Marines go homeと


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