



How much do sex differences matter in sports?

By David EpsteinFebruary 7, 2014



 Thanks in large part to testosterone, men are generally heavier and taller than women. They have longer limbs relative to their height, bigger hearts and lungs, less fat, denser bones, more oxygen-carrying red blood cells, heavier skeletons that support more muscle — 80 percent more in the upper body, on average, which is about the difference between male and female gorillas — and narrower hips that make for more efficient running and decrease the chance of injury. But since these differences generally don’t appear until puberty, boys’ and girls’ records in track tend to be identical before age 10. There’s scant biological reason to separate young boys and girls in competitions.

 In 2011, the NCAA, after consultation with scientific experts and bodies like the National Center for Lesbian Rights, determined that male-to-female transgender athletes should sit out a year while undergoing testosterone-suppression treatment before competing on women’s teams. That guideline fits well with the experiences of transgender athletes such as Joanna Harper, a 57-year-old medical physicist and 2012 U.S. national cross-country champion for the 55-to-59 age group.

 Harper was born male but started hormone therapy in August 2004 to suppress her body’s testosterone and physically transition to female. Like any good scientist, she recorded data, and she found herself getting slower by the end of the first month. “I felt the same when I ran,” she says. “I just couldn’t go as fast.”

 As Alice Dreger, professor of clinical medical humanities and bioethics in the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University, told me: “The reason we have females separated in sports is because in many sports, the best female athletes can’t compete with the best male athletes. And everybody knows that, but nobody wants to say it. Females are structured like a disabled class for all sorts of, I think, good reasons.”

 Similarly, in instances when women do equally well or better than men, as can happen in ski jump, it should come as no affront to male athletes. Biology may help explain those times, those distances, those records. In long-distance swimming, for instance, the performance gap between men and women closes, particularly when the water is very cold, perhaps because women’s higher percentage of body fat becomes advantageous

If we wanted simply to see the fastest runners, we could have cheetahs race instead of humans. But sports are the ultimate contrivances: Take agreed-upon rules, add meaning.



 スポーツのトップレベルだと男女差というのは、広い意味でその構造差から女性選手は男性選手に勝てない、と。もっとも スキーのジャンプとか、長距離の水泳など競技では、やはり、その体の構造差から、女性が男性と同等ないし、より優れた記録を残すこともあるんだ、と。









 スポーツというのは原始林を好き勝手に走り回ることではなく、徹頭徹尾 人工的ルールに支えられたゲームである。いままで五輪は、男性に有利で、男性が庇護された上で下駄はかせられており、これからは、男子に有利で男女の体の構造差が現れやすい競技は廃止し、男女の区別なく平等に参加する新しい競技をつくって、そこで、競い合おうじゃないか、という話になって・・・・いかないとも限らない。 

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