
Mori's sexism has generated solidarity: women and men are standing up to say enough is enough.



 The modern Olympics were founded by a French aristocrat, Baron Pierre de Coubertin, who adamantly opposed women’s participation in the games. To him, the idea of women playing sports was “impractical, uninteresting, ungainly and, I do not hesitate to add, improper.” He even said, “Woman’s glory rightfully came through the number and quality of children she produced, and that where sports were concerned, her greatest accomplishment was to encourage her sons to excel rather than to seek records for herself.”


Against this horrific backdrop, it will come as no surprise that women were not allowed to join the IOC as members until 1981. As recently as 2005, IOC member Gian Franco Kaspar said that ski jumping “seems not to be appropriate for ladies from a medical point of view,” after Olympic honchos leaned on pseudoscience to block women from participating in the sport for fear it would damage their uteruses. Women were finally allowed to ski jump at the 2010 Olympics.


“Mori’s remark is emblematic of deep-seated sexism in Japanese sport communities and the society at large,” Satoko Itani, a professor of sport, gender and sexuality studies at Kansai University, told me. But Mori's sexism has generated solidarity, Itani notes: “In Japan, many women and men are standing up to say enough is enough.”

日本の男女が森発言に対して抗議している、という 引用があるのはよかった。


the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age, sex, or disability.

特に、人種、年齢、性別、障害に基づいて 不公正に特定のグループの人間を取り扱うこと、という意味で、



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