



 Prof Hunter said: “Surprisingly, the daily incidence of cases increased strongly after vaccination till about day eight – approximately doubling. We don’t know why there was this initial surge in infection risk but it may be related to people being less cautious about maintaining protective behaviours as soon as they have the injection. 

“We found that the vaccine effectiveness was still pretty much zero until about 14 days after people were vaccinated.  But then after day 14 immunity rose gradually day by day to about 90 per cent at day 21 and then didn’t improve any further. All the observed improvement was before any second injection.

“This shows that a single dose of vaccine is highly protective, although it can take up to 21 days to achieve this.

“And it supports the UK policy of extending the gap between doses by showing that a single dose can give a high level of protection.

接種してから8日間はなぜか、感染率は倍増・・・たぶん、油断して予防の手を緩めるためだろう、と。 で21日目で90%


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