
“singlism” and “matrimania.”  独身差別に結婚崇拝主義


Here's why married people are not necessarily happier or healthier than those who are single:

TEDさんの投稿 2021年2月13日土曜日


First, let’s define our terms: “singlism” and “matrimania.” DePaulo has coined two words that are essential to this discussion. “Singlism is the stereotyping, stigmatizing and discrimination of people who are not married,” she says. “The flip side of that is matrimania: the over-the-top celebrating and hyping of marriage and coupling and weddings. So if you’re single, you get it coming and going.”

 Participants judged the hypothetical singles to be less socially mature, less well adjusted, and more self-centered than their otherwise identical married counterparts. 

Yet, there are 107 million unmarried people over the age of 18 in the United States.“

“If the benefits of marriage were perfectly obvious to people, we wouldn’t need all this hype around it,” she says. The benefits marriage used to confer can now be attained in other ways: single women can have kids, sleep with partners without anyone batting an eye, and support themselves.

The meme that married people are happier and healthier than single people is unfounded. 

The least problematic research, in DePaulo’s estimation, which follows the same people over the long term, has found that around the time of their weddings, people show a brief increase in happiness, then go right back to where they were when they were single. (If they get divorced later, they don’t even show this brief honeymoon effect.) Stigma against single parents is easily debunked, too: what’s really bad for kids is not having a single parent, but “conflict, acrimony or cold, neglectful environments.”

The bottom line is that there’s no better or worse — and no shortcut to happiness. Those who are happiest follow their desires, whether that means getting married or staying single. 


 他方、結婚は美化され、結婚しているほうが幸せなんだと思わされているが、実際には幸せなのは結婚当初だけで、あとは独身のときとおなじような状態に戻る。 子供を育てたり、誰かと床を共にしたり、生計を立てていくこともいまでは結婚しないでできるようになって、かつて結婚するメリットと思われていたものも、それほどのものではなくなった、と。




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