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第 4 条〔捕虜〕
A この条約において捕虜とは、次の部類の一に属する者で敵の権力内に陥ったものをいう。


(6) 占領されていない領域の住民で、敵の接近に当り、正規の軍隊を編成する時日がなく、侵入する軍隊に抵抗するために自発的に武器を執るもの。但し、それらの者が公然と武器を携行し、且つ、戦争の法規及び慣例を尊重する場合に限る。





 伊勢崎 2014年以降、ウクライナ東部の親ロシア派地域で暮らす住民が国軍から攻撃を受け続けていた。通常これだけのことがあれば国際社会は黙っていない。それから8年経っているのに民族和解などはされていない。そのツケが回ってきたとしか考えられない。だが、どんな形であれ、この戦争にいつか決着がついてみんなが冷静になったとき、これだけ分断され、傷つけあった民族がこの後どうなるのか。簡単にウクライナが東部と西部に分かれることは難しい。キエフにもロシア系の人たちはたくさん住んでいるのだ。



Fact check: Russia falsely blames Ukraine for starting war
Russian says it is acting to end the "systematic extermination of the Donbass population" supposedly ongoing since 2014.

No evidence of planned genocide
In her Facebook statement, Maria Zakharova also said that at least at least 13,000 people had been killed in the war in eastern Ukraine since 2014. She also claimed that there was a "systematic extermination of the Donbas population." There is no evidence, however, that proves a "systematic extermination" of the civilian population is occurring. An OSCE monitoring mission active in Ukraine since 2014 has found no evidence of mass targeted killings of civilians in the Donbas region. So far, the Russian Foreign Ministry has not provided any proof to back up its claim that the people of eastern Ukraine are subject to "systematic extermination."

The UN has accused both sides of human rights violations such as torture and raping prisoners, especially during the early years of the conflict. It also says the Minsk ceasefire agreement was repeatedly broken by both sides.

It is true that at least 13,000 people have been killed in the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine. According to the latest report by the United Nations, up to 13,200 people died in the conflict until early 2020. Of those, 3,350 were civilians and 5,650 insurgents, according to the UN. It says that 4,100 of those killed were members of the Ukrainian military.






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