
”China looks increasingly like Japan did in the 1990s. ”


China faces perils too and risks great damage to its vulnerable economy if it does anything that cancels foreign capital. That means Beijing is likely to think twice before offering generous support to Russia or defying western sanctions against the war.



The fact that credit growth in China continues to be weak despite central bank efforts to stimulate the economy may be an early-stage sign of Japanification. With its rising debt, shrinking population and market turmoil, China looks increasingly like Japan did in the 1990s. That’s when Japan entered a deflationary trap, as lenders became reluctant to lend no matter how much liquidity the central bank pumped into the system.

Total debt in China has tripled over the past three decades to nearly 300 per cent of GDP, the level hit by Japan around 1990, at the start of its so-called lost decades. China’s working age population started to contract in 2015, a step toward stagnation that Japan crossed in the mid-90s.




China needs to learn lessons from the collapse of Japan in the 1990s

On the other hand, there is an important similarity between Japan in 1990 and China today: a certain type of growth has come to the end of the line. The working-age population in China began to decline, the working-age population in Japan began to decline in 1995, and this decline will accelerate. In both cases, the development model based on extremely high levels of investment and accumulation of physical assets hit the point of diminishing returns. 

 The error is to continue regardless. This is what Japan did in the late 1980s: investors priced sustained economic growth at 8 percent per year, when that level was no longer remotely achievable. It inevitably ended in disaster. And the longer China hesitates to learn that hardest lesson, and accept a lower level of development, the greater will be its ultimate pain.

 他方、今日の中国と日本の1990年代は重要な点で類似性があるーある種の成長が停止しているのだ。中国では労働人口が減少しはじめているが、 日本でも1995年に労働人口が減少し始めた。この傾向は加速するだろう。中国も日本も極端に高い投資によって発展してきたが、物理的資産について投資しても利益は減少する段階に至っている。(不動産投資の話につながる) にもかかわらずその過ちを改めようとしていない。1980年代、日本が犯した過ちと同じだ。投資家は経済成長が8%あると見込んでいたが、そんなことは達成できるはずもなかった。結果は大惨事。中国もしっかりと日本から教訓を学んで、低成長を受け入れないと、痛みも大きなものになろう、と。

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