


大学生と大麻 その害を甘くみるな 2020年10月23日
瀬戸さんによると、大麻に手を染めた若者の三割は覚醒剤など深刻な薬物の乱用に結び付く。ゲートウエー(入り口)ドラッグと呼ばれるゆえんだ。  大麻にはテトラヒドロカンナビノール(THC)という成分が含まれ、酩酊(めいてい)感や幻覚をもたらし、乱用は精神疾患につながる怖さがある。暴力団などの資金源にもなる。
Is Marijuana a Gateway Drug? For quite some time, marijuana was seen as the start of trouble, but why? Posted Jul 24, 2018
Mind you, the absolute probability for opioid problems was low even for very frequent marijuana users (around 4.5 percent) but compared to the 0.5 percent probability in those who didn't use marijuana at all, it was a relatively large jump (see here for a deeper dive into why this is important). So, depending on how you look at it, the increase was incredibly large or pretty small. And even among the heaviest marijuana users, approximately 95 percent did not seem to have opioid-related issues.

The gateway theory of marijuana ignores a very important factor, which is that buying marijuana currently involves (in the states that don’t have recreational or medicinal laws) interacting with black market drug sources otherwise known as drug dealers.

This means that, once you buy marijuana you are already breaking the law, and we know that individuals who become willing to commit illegal acts at one point in time are more likely to commit additional illegal acts. In this way, it could be said that its marijuana’s legal status, not its chemical interactions with the brain at all, that is the gateway.

As marijuana becomes legal in essentially all states for medical use and is accepted in more and more states recreationally, it is entirely possible that this whole Gateway theory will simply no longer be relevant

The verdict

On the one hand, research does support the positive effects of cannabis in treating chronic pain conditions (while not as strong a relief in the short term for many, the probability of developing hypersensitivity to pain seems to be reduced with THC when compared to opioids).

On the other hand, the research on the potentially harmful physical and psychological effects of cannabis use is hard to ignore. Marijuana is damaging to the developing adolescent brain, and it can lead to Cannabis Use Disorder (or addiction).




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