


モルドバ、ジョージア、フィンランド、スラバキア バルト三国

Putin now assumes two things: that the west won’t risk direct military confrontation with Russia — he learned this in Syria when the entry of Russian forces led to a paralysis of western policy there — and that the west will tolerate Russian annexations in the neighborhood to avoid confrontation, which he learned in Georgia and Crimea.

Each time that Putin “wins”, he is emboldened, his assumptions about western inaction are reinforced and his next nefarious foreign adventure becomes still more destructive.

If we are to protect European — and global — security, we need to buck Putin’s assumptions by protecting international law. We need to ensure not only that Putin fails to take Ukraine, but that he loses more than he started with: in other words, he should be pushed back to the pre-2014 status quo, losing Crimea and eastern Ukraine in the process.

Under those circumstances, the west will face a stark choice: watch the slaughter of tens of thousands (or more) of Ukrainian civilians and the overthrow of their democratic government; or get involved more directly to protect civilians and prevent Ukraine’s defeat.

Russian victory would represent a defeat of the EU and NATO. It is an existential threat to democratic values. Putin will know that his threats, bullying and nuclear insinuations can win over even a united western world wielding massive sanctions and supplying arms; and that when it comes to a choice between direct confrontation or handing over democratic nations, we choose the latter. Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Finland — none will be safe.

 西側の弱い制裁、過去の成功体験から、西側がロシアと対決せず、近隣諸国を併合しても西側は文句を言わないだろう、という前提にプーチンはたっている。こうしたプーチンの前提は粉砕するために、東ウクライナ、クリミアは奪回することが必要だ。 数万人のウクライナ人が殺されて民主主義政権が転覆するのを見物しているだけか、市民を守り、ウクライナな負けないようにもっと直接的に関わっていくかの選択に迫られている。ロシアの勝利はEUとNATOの敗北であり、民主主義の存亡の危機である。リトアニア、エストニア、ラトビア、ポーランド、フィンランドだって危なくなるのだ、と。


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