Why Putin Is Losing The Information War
Let's be honest and clear. there are transparent racial ethnic-religious biases and bigotry at play
ーーー日本にはそうした偏見や差別を否定してしまう出羽守がいるようですが、 それはまずい。
Expert: Oligarchs Targeted In Part Because They Could Hide Putin’s
Spilling into streets and city squares, Russian citizens protest the war in Ukraine
General McCaffrey: Putin Just Signed Up For A ‘Ten Year Event’
There is no return lane for God's sake.
"He's Not The Superman We Think Of" - Fiona Hill On Vladimir Putin
I don't think it is not oligarchs but people in his circle.They are the people he probably has to worry about It's conceivable he would use a tactical nuclear weapon.
How Western sanctions could cripple Russia’s economy
When sanctions hurt the population in a country that's not democratic, they are not going to have any effect at putting pressure on the regime.
I know our president for so many years and if he did something he'll never turn back. He'll continue with his line
In this 2015 documentary, FRONTLINE traces Vladimir Putin’s ascent from unemployed spy to modern-day czar, and investigates the accusations of criminality and corruption that have surrounded his reign in Russia. (Aired 2015)
kleptocracya society whose leaders make themselves rich and powerful by stealing from the rest of the people:
I haven't seen any evidence he's willing to back down It's not his style at all ever.
ここででも、 プーチンをよく知る女性が、プーチンは引き下がる男ではない、と評価している。
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