ウクライナ、クエルバ外相『開戦当日2月24日に、非常に影響力のあるヨーロッパのある国へのウクライナの大使が外務省だかの長官を訪問し「戦争が始まった、これこれ助けてください」と言うと、その方は同情するように微笑んで https://t.co/nCiOeZOlWM
— buvery (@buvery) March 20, 2022
- In the first days of the war, it seemed that the West did not believe in our victory. Two-and-a-half weeks have passed, every day you communicate with Western diplomats and world leaders. Do you feel an overestimation of our chances? Do they believe more that Ukraine will win?
- On the first day of the war, Feb. 24, Ukraine's ambassador to a very influential European country attended the office of the secretary of state of some ministry and said: "Help us, the war has begun. Help us with this and that." That person smiled sympathetically and answered: "My dear, let's be honest, why we should help you if everything ends in a maximum of 48 hours and a new reality comes." This is a specific episode that took place in an extremely influential EU country. We saw radical changes in the next three days. We did not sleep, did not eat, did not drink during these three days, we worked with partners. We have seen unprecedentedly tough sanctions (which are still few today, more are needed). We have seen the supply of weapons and a change not only in rhetoric, but in the attitude toward Ukraine in general.
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