Liberalism and Its Discontents 左右からのリベラリズム批判についてのフクヤマの記事
— mozu (@mozumozumozu) October 8, 2020
Classical liberalism can best be understood as an institutional solution to the problem of governing over diversity. Or to put it in slightly different terms, it is a system for peacefully managing diversity in pluralistic societies
The founders of modern liberalism like Thomas Hobbes and John Locke sought to lower the aspirations of politics, not to promote a good life as defined by religion, but rather to preserve life itself, since diverse populations could not agree on what the good life was. This was the distant origin of the phrase “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” in the Declaration of Independence. The most fundamental principle enshrined in liberalism is one of tolerance: You do not have to agree with your fellow citizens about the most important things, but only that each individual should get to decide what those things are without interference from you or from the state. The limits of tolerance are reached only when the principle of tolerance itself is challenged, or when citizens resort to violence to get their way.
Classical liberalism is perfectly compatible with a strong state that seeks social protections for populations left behind by globalization, even as it protects basic property rights and a market economy. Liberalism is necessarily connected to democracy, and liberal economic policies need to be tempered by considerations of democratic equality and the need for political stability.
リベラルに対する批判としては、War on liberalismも参考。
ただ、リベラルの夢の終わり ネオコンみたいないリベラル拡張主義はうまくいかないだろうね。
多極共存型デモクラシー(読み)たきょくきょうぞんがたデモクラシー(英語表記)consociational democracy
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