
“Things like empathy, vulnerability, emotional connectedness — these are the things that define today’s leaders.



leaders in tear the sign of weaknessでググってパッとみると、最近はいろいろみたいだね。

Crying on the job, especially in politics, used to be considered a liability.

Tears at work have long been discouraged: People who cry risk being perceived as less professional and less competent than their more stoic peers.

‘They can cry for others’
Crying in public was once seen as a strength.

According to Tom Lutz, the author of “Crying: The Natural and Cultural History of Tears,” it was common in the 18th century for upper-class men to cry

“The days when a politician cried and it was over for them — that’s over,” she said. “Things like empathy, vulnerability, emotional connectedness — these are the things that define today’s leaders.”



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