橋下さんは一貫して勘違いしているが、ウクライナはNATOに加盟していないので、NATOは停戦交渉の当事者ではない。プーチンのいう「中立化」とは、ロシアの領土になれということ。侵略で敵国を併合できたら、国際法は成り立たない。この情報もタス通信のデマだろう。 https://t.co/ks6XXy5QAW
— 池田信夫 (@ikedanob) March 9, 2022
Why the idea of a ‘neutral’ Ukraine is a non-starter in peace talks
One of Vladimir Putin’s stated justifications for his aggression against Ukraine is the need to remove the “dagger to the throat of Russia” by insisting on Kyiv’s neutrality and demilitarisation. Leaving aside, for a moment, the illegality of Russia’s use of force in pursuit of this demand and serious doubts about whether Putin can be trusted in any negotiations, what would neutrality entail for Ukraine?To the extent that this can be done on the basis of Putin’s pronouncements to date, Ukraine would have to give up its right to join either Nato or the EU, completely demilitarise and not allow foreign (for which, read western) military bases on what will be left of its territory. Russia’s vision of neutrality for Ukraine will also mean a Moscow-friendly government in Kyiv that defers to the Kremlin in both domestic and foreign policies.
NATOないしEUの参加の放棄 西側の軍事基地の設置の禁止。さらにロシアにとっての「中立」とは親露政権であることだ、とーーーロシア領になれ、ということではないようですね。
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