ミアシャイマー批判のスレッド。 https://t.co/fndum4UFm4
— mozu (@mozumozumozu) March 3, 2022
4/ The chat also shows realism's political hollowness. Mearsh. talks as if US govts are geostrategic calculation machines (the rationalist black-boxing of realism) which could write off Ukraine, ignoring the moral weight of a coerced people + political price for appeasement9/ That crude remark reflects how badly realism misses the power value of norms.
戦略的観点と倫理的観点・・・ミアシャイマー先生は戦略的観点がつねに優先。しかし、倫理的観点が優先することもあるし、総合衡 量しなくちゃいけないのでは、というわけだけね。以前わたしも指摘した。
14/ He wraps himself around a tree admitting some East European nations are safer b/o NATO enlargement, yet claiming it had no value. I agree it went too far but it's a close call: It *eases* our fears today to have Poland, Baltics in NATO b/c we know Russia can't go there
15/ When asked for policies, Mearsh. says: "We should be pivoting out of Europe to deal with China in a laser-like fashion, number one." Again the allergy to political considerations: This is 100% absolutely not in the cards for the foreseeable future
18/ But his variety of offensive realism is an incredibly narrow, even hollow portrait of behavior which is wrong more often than right. This latest interview shows again just how poor a tool it is for people trying to understand the real world rather than the theoretical one
.”when push comes to shove, strategic considerations overwhelm moral considerations. ”
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