
Russian effort is "shock and awful"


suzuky Retweeted 【戦闘機や戦闘爆撃機 大々的に投入されず】 【核兵器使用 ロシア軍事思想的にありうる】 JSF Retweeted

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the new reality from Moscow's point of view will likely solidify around their belief that their only true strength lies in Russia's nuclear forces: that they are more important than ever to preserve the State, or at least the current political system that rules the state.

For Washington, this display of Russian military weakness should be comforting in terms of Moscow's true military threat to Europe. At the same time though, it exposes the need for a different national security strategy, one that doesn't imagine Russia as a military equal, and one that doesn't push Vladimir Putin's back against a wall.

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