JSF Retweetedジャンピング土下座で降伏 https://t.co/J7MDojbylX
— Satoshi Ikeuchi 池内恵 (@chutoislam) March 7, 2022
— Kan Kimura from Kobe, Japan (@K_Kimura_Kobe) March 7, 2022
ないしテレビメディア関係者の皆様におかれましては、核と安全保障だけは本当に専門性の高い分野なので、こういう思いつきでいい加減なことをいう素人に語らせないで頂きたいです。人々が騙され、文字通り国が滅びますので。 https://t.co/MiueJAN7yW
— Ikuo Gonoï (@gonoi) March 6, 2022
国防は戦争が始まるまでが勝負で、軍備力を強化して それから、軍事同盟を強化して それこそ核兵器も持つ、ないしは、米軍基地をしっかり置く こいうことで戦争にならないようにぴしっと態勢を強化することが大事。
軍事力強化 ➕ 軍事同盟 OR 核武装 ⇒戦争抑止
Nuclear Weapons and International Conflict: Theories and Empirical Evidencefree
Three conclusions may be drawn from the patterns discussed above.
Wars among nuclear-armed states are improbable. If confrontations do escalate to the level of violence, such violence will likely remain conventional.
Crises among nuclear powers have a higher probability of escalating—short of war—than do crises for asymmetric or nonnuclear dyads.
In asymmetric dyads the possession of nuclear weapons does not impede aggressive behavior by a nonnuclear adversary.
1 核武装国同士の戦争はありそうにない。紛争はあっても通常兵器のものにとどまる。
2 核武装国同士は戦争には至らないが、ーー核武装国vs.非核武装国 非核武装vs.比較武装国よりーー紛争が激化する可能性は高まる。
3 核兵器をもっているからと言って非核武装国からの攻撃がなくなるわけでもない。
英国や仏のように 同盟➕核武装 を主張したからと言って冷静じゃない、とはいえない。
Donald Trump thinks more countries should have nuclear weapons. Here’s what the research says.
By Gene Gerzhoy and Nicholas Miller
Reducing military commitments and letting allies build their own nuclear weapons might save money for the United States. But international relations scholarship suggests that allied proliferation would have broader negative repercussions. Among these would be declining U.S. influence. When nations gain their own military capabilities, they rely less on their allies and become less subject to their sway.
But from the perspective of the United States, the ideal world is one in which it alone has nuclear weapons. Then the United States would not risk direct attack on its homeland or indirect damage from the fallout from nuclear wars between other nations. It could also use its nuclear monopoly to coerce or intimidate other states, and could intervene with conventional forces around the globe without fear of nuclear attack on its forces. For these reasons, the United States has gone to great lengths since 1945 to thwart nuclear proliferation.
Thinking the Once-Unthinkable: Japan, Germany With A-Bombs
Ronald A. Morse, a Japan scholar formerly at the Smithsonian Institution’s Woodrow Wilson Center, adds: “A nuclear-armed Japan could be a benefit to the United States. It would strengthen the U.S.-Japan partnership, because we’d be dealing with each other as equals. And we need at least one (nuclear power) in Asia that’s on our side.”
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