1)ウクライナ全土を一時的掌握 継続は無理
2) クリミア、ドネツク、ルハンツクを占拠 しかし、ロシアは制裁で孤立
3)戦術核使用 広島長崎でお前らもやったろ、と言い訳。
4)クーデター しかしありそうもない。
For Putin, the past that matters most is the one which the dissident author and Nobel laureate Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn exalted—the time when the Slavic peoples were united within the Orthodox Christian kingdom of Kievan Rus’. Kyiv formed its heart, making Ukraine central to Putin’s pan-Slavic vision.But, for Putin, the Ukraine war is about preserving Russia, not just expanding it. As his foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, recently made clear, Russia’s leaders believe that their country is locked in a ‘life-and-death battle to exist on the world’s geopolitical map’. That worldview reflects Putin’s longstanding obsession with works of other Russian emigrant philosophers, such as Ivan Ilyin and Nikolai Berdyaev, who described a struggle for the Eurasian (Russian) soul against the Atlanticists (the west) who would destroy it.
Putin visits Ukraine to mark region's conversion to Christianity
· 2013/07/27
Here's why the Russian Orthodox Church is deeply connected to the Syrian War
“Mass graves” and “hundreds of bodies” found near Kyiv - BBC News
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