真相は・・・ 「ウクライナが空爆」とロシアが主張する思惑(2022年4月2日)
[時論公論] ウクライナ侵攻はどうすれば止められる?解説委員が分析!| NHK
[時論公論] ウクライナ侵攻で世界秩序はどう変わる?解説委員が分析!| NHK
Russian TV Is Lying About
The War
Motivated reasoning is the phenomenon in cognitive science and social psychology in which emotional biases lead to justifications or decisions based on their desirability rather than an accurate reflection of the evidence.
Russians Line Up Behind Putin
Most of the war’s opponents are leaving the country or keeping quiet.
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Carole Landry
By Carole Landry
April 1, 2022
My colleagues Anton Troianovski, Ivan Nechepurenko and Valeriya Safronova report that most of the war’s opponents are leaving the country or keeping quiet. Antiwar protests, which led to more than 15,000 arrests across Russia in the first weeks of the war, have largely petered out. That’s partly because of Russian media, where all of the news coverage is aligned with the Kremlin’s message. The war’s opponents are becoming targets of propaganda that depicts them as the enemy.
Ukraine: "It is rather a last slag of the past world than an omen of a world of the future" Copied Mélanie Faure 09h27, March 04, 2022, modified at 09h30, March 04, 2022ジャック・アタリもイアン・ブレマーも、冷戦後の秩序でロシアを内包させるようもっと努力すべきだったという趣旨で意見一致していた。ただしアタリは「軍産複合体のアメリカは常に敵を必要としており、ロシア敵視が残った。我々欧州人はロシアを民主化させ、仲間に入れたかった」とかなんとか。
— suzuky (@suzuky) April 2, 2022
"Should we attack the lion?" Jacques Attali wonders about the strategy to adopt in the face of Vladimir Putin. "Is it in our interest to calm the lion by being calm? Or do we have an interest in attacking the lion and risking our lives and the lives of all humanity?" he said of the Russian President. "Economic sanctions are going to have an impact," he said. "I persist in thinking about the interest of all humanity and that we defend by intervening militarily only the member countries of NATO, the others are not part of our alliance. Moreover, we never intervened when the Soviet Union massacred in Berlin in '52, in Warsaw in '56, in Budapest in '56, in Prague in '68, in Warsaw again in '80. We let it happen."ソ連がベルリンやワルシャワ、ブダベストやプラハを虐殺したときも、我々は介入しなかったわけだし、NATOの構成国が攻撃されたとき以外は静観していよう、というわけでしょうね。
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