


What Really Brought Down Truss?

Oct 21, 2022


 But then rising inflation – owing to pandemic fiscal packages, supply-chain disruptions, and soaring food and energy prices – obliged central banks with a legal price-stability mandate to tighten monetary policy and consequently to increase the cost of government funding. That cost brought Truss down

The countdown to disaster for the Truss government was given when the Bank of England announced that it would end the support scheme for government debt (gilts) on October 14. 


 Markets Didn’t Oust Truss. The Bank of England Did.

Analysis by Narayana Kocherlakota | Bloomberg

October 26, 2022

The Bank of England, as the entity responsible for overseeing the financial system, bears at least part of the blame for this catastrophe. As a result of its regulatory failure, it was forced into an emergency intervention, buying gilts to put a floor on prices. But it refused to extend its support beyond Oct. 14 — even though its purchases of long-term government bonds were fully indemnified by the Treasury. It’s hard to see how that decision aligned with the central bank’s financial-stability mandate, and easy to see how it contributed to the government’s demise.

Bank of England to stop government bond-buying scheme today

Pressure on gilts - UK government bonds - eased on Thursday as the Bank of England sought to steady market sentiment by increasing its bond-buying activity.

Friday 14 October 2022

The government issues bonds to raise money for public spending, often used to service pension funds and the life insurance market.

 Banks and big financial institutions that buy the gilts from the government at auction can sell them on to smaller financial institutions, traders or investors on the open market.

The price - or rate - at which they are bought and sold will be higher if investors think the government is able to repay the debt when the bond matures.

But when confidence in the UK economy falls, so does the bond price.

The scheme launched by the Bank of England was designed to restore confidence in the government's finances - increasing bond prices and decreasing the yields it has to pay on them.


Have the bond vigilantes killed off modern monetary theory? MMT proponent Stephanie Kelton says that’s nonsense.

Last Updated: Oct. 20, 2022 at 4:20 a.m. ET

First Published: Oct. 19, 2022 at 12:26 p.m. ET

By Steve Goldstein

In a phone interview with MarketWatch, she said the market reaction to the mini budget — of an estimated £45 billion of tax cuts on top of energy price support for two years– was not unreasonable. “Given the expectation that the energy subsidies combined with the tax cuts were almost certainly going to be exacerbating inflation pressure, and that would mean the Bank of England would move even more aggressively,” said Kelton.

Instead, Truss let the market bully her into submission. “If she hadn’t blinked*, guess who would have,” said Kelton, referring to the Bank of England.

Japan is doing yield curve control, and the U.S. did during World War II, Kelton says. “Any country, any central bank can do it. It’s not a reserve currency thing,” she said.

You want to give a tax cut, you can give a tax cut. You want to increase spending, you can increase spending. There are potential inflationary consequences and there are potential exchange rate implications. MMT never said otherwise.”

Kelton laughed when asked about the Bank of England’s determination to sell gilts as it fights inflation. “My running joke is, ‘Japan says hi.'” Kelton pointed repeatedly to Japan as an example that the common narrative in financial markets is just wrong. After three decades of deficit spending, the largest debt-to-GDP ratio in the world, decades of quantitative easing and zero interest rates, Japan still can’t get inflation up. “Surely, after a few decades, Japan would have managed to hyper inflate itself.”

It’s pretty clear to me that a lot of the inflation that we’re experiencing now is due to companies with pricing power, using the opportunity to raise prices by more than the increase in wages, in energy costs and materials and other things.”

A figurative way to blink is to hesitate or give up, especially at a confrontation







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カルーセル麻紀さん スペシャルインタビュー 第1回目 - salitote

多川 テレビの世界での立ち位置というか、その扱われ方もカルーセルさんの時代と今ではまったく違っていたと思うんですが。

カルーセル 全然違うわよ。わたしがテレビに出始めた70〜80年頃は完全に見世物、化け物扱いよ。自分たちとは違う人間をバカにして笑いモノにするクイズや演出ばかりで、あまりの低俗さ、醜悪さに耐えきれず、本番中スタジオから飛び出したことも一度や二度じゃないわ。




 弁護士の書面で解決できない配偶者としての権利もある。例えば、配偶者居住権  入院したときの面接なんかも配偶者には簡単に認められる。


 推進派は父父子 母母子の明るい家庭生活をドシドシ宣伝してほしい。これはやはり見慣れないと最初はびっくりする。 ワクチン接種が普及してここまできたというのを理解しないとね。

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