
Restorative justice

この前借りて読んだ「超入門 MMT 藤井聡」によると 
 財政再建 →政府借金返済→支出減少 →民間のカネ減少  
 金融引き締め → 民間のカネ減少 


 Guardian-reading wokerati Retweeted 内輪で強がってなんとなく安心を得ているんだろうな・・・不憫だな。 

 Guardian-reading wokerati Retweeted Guardian-reading wokerati Retweeted これもアウトじゃないかなあ。
Sorry, We can't speak foreing languages. Our service is available only in Japanese.
ではどうだ? おれなら、
原則 きまりなんだから守れ


例外 ただし、不合理なものについては改正の手続きをとり、憲法、または、道徳に違反し、人命にかかわるほど結果が深刻と思われるものについて遵守義務を解除・・・というより従ってはいけない。
という感じかなあ。 Guardian-reading wokerati Retweeted 正規をふやせば、結婚率もあがり出産数も増える、と。


 【しらべてみたら】4年間思い続けたカツ丼! 外国人が楽しむ”日本の冬”


 受刑者に寛容なノルウェーは今【報道特集】| TBS NEWS DIG

Theories of Punishment

1.2. Rehabilitation Theories
Rather than focusing on reducing crime, rehabilitation theories of punishment focus on making criminals into people who are less likely to commit crimes

2.2. Restorative Theories A second backward-looking theory suggests that the justification for punishment is not to inflict suffering on someone or to create an overall better world but to restore those who were harmed by the crime. This restorative theory of punishment is backward-looking in that it targets the victim’s situation prior to the crime, by forcing the wrongdoer to help the victim.[7] A punishment, which the wrongdoer is forced to do, is justified to the extent that it restores victims to their standing prior to the crime, e.g., their mental and/or physical state, property restoration, and so on.


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