わたしも最初は、女になりたくて、女の行動を取る人だと思っていました。が、米国の例を見ると、問題を起こしているのは、やたら攻撃的で不快な女装変態男なので、そんなのに付き合う理由はないと考えを変えましたね。日本でも全く同じことになっています。 https://t.co/atQna8CmMW
— buvery (@buvery) February 5, 2023
「ターフ」ってなんだっけな、と思ってググると、これに関連して面白い記事 がVoxにあった。
The rise of anti-trans “radical” feminists, explained Known as TERFs, trans-exclusionary radical feminist groups are working with conservatives to push their anti-trans agenda.By Katelyn Burns Updated Sep 5, 2019,
TERFs treat trans women as predators and trans men as victims of the patriarchy
Gender-critical feminism, at its core, opposes the self-definition of trans people, arguing that anyone born with a vagina is in its own oppressed sex class, while anyone born with a penis is automatically an oppressor. In a TERF world, gender is a system that exists solely to oppress women, which it does through the imposition of femininity on those assigned female at birth.ERFs often point to the case of Karen White. White was in prison for sexual assault when she came out as a trans woman and applied for a transfer to a women’s prison. Once there, she allegedly raped several fellow prisoners before she was eventually caught. Prison officials later admitted that they did not follow existing safeguarding procedures in granting the transfer.As a rape survivor myself, I find White detestable and am outraged that prison officials were so lax with their procedures and allowed White access to a vulnerable population of women. Where I differ from gender-critical feminists is I don’t agree that White is representative of all trans women; gender-critical feminists essentially believe the existence of trans women’s penises in a women’s space represents an automatic risk of rape.This supposed concern for cis women and children has become the primary method for radicalizing gender-critical feminists, similar to how Islamophobes play up threats of gang rape of white women by Muslim men, or white supremacists have historically painted black men as sexual threats to justify segregation.
「ターフ」ってのはトランスを排除するフェミの過激派で、チンコ は迫害者、圧制者を表象し、マンコは虐げられた者を表象するんだ、と。したがって、トランス女性でもチンコがついている人たちは女性を襲うプレデターとして表象されるんだ、と。それは、イスラム教徒や黒人男性が白人女性を襲うプレデターとして表象され排除されてきたのと同じやり口だ、と。
やっぱ音楽だな。 象がピアノの演奏聴いているのもあったな。音楽には国境も人種もないって言うけど
— ロックンロール備忘録 (@Applepopz) February 4, 2023
本当にリラックスして音楽を楽しんでいるように見えるのも最高笑 pic.twitter.com/siZLKEl94J
— miicooooooo (@miicooooooo11) February 3, 2023
少なくともペットショップは廃止すべきだな。それとペット捨てるのもWant to truly have empathy for animals? Stop owning pets https://t.co/8tPoEnWnSr
— Guardian-reading wokerati (@suzuky) February 5, 2023
— Koji Hirai 平井宏治 (@KojiHirai6) February 4, 2023
再エネ賦課金を一時停止しよう https://t.co/mv8T9PROd4
— Aisa Kiyosue (@gorbeirani) February 4, 2023
— kazukazu88 (@kazukazu881) February 4, 2023
インフレはエンゲル係数の高い貧困層を最も苦しめるものだが2020年から続くUSの物価上昇(15%up)が襲っているのは中間層 https://t.co/dNqUADTdZe この間特に高騰したのは自動車・ガソリンで中間層程所得に比して自動車に多くのお金を使っている。また都市部より自動車依存の大きい農村部の方が影響大
— Spica (@CasseCool) February 3, 2023
In fact, a whopping 81% of households in the income bracket are facing a consumer recession this year, Primerica revealed. Notably, nearly three-fourths, or 72%, of middle-class workers believe that their income isn’t keeping up with the rising cost of living.Given that the cost of everyday necessities is squeezing the monthly budgets of middle-class households all over the nation, almost half, or 49% of middle-income earners are relying on credit cards to make ends meet. In the past quarter alone, about 29% of workers in that income bracket have said that their credit card debt has increased. With interest rates at the highest levels in decades, those balances can bulk up pretty fast. However, a new LendingTree survey found that 43% of middle-income Americans expect to add to their debt in the next six months. The share was highest for parents with children under 18, with 58% expecting to take on debt in the first half of 2023. The most common reason for adding debt: Paying for necessities, followed by emergencies and health care costs, LendingTree said.Many of the things that make life livable are becoming out of reach of our population, and we're having to let go of the things we enjoy as the cost of basic necessities eats a larger share of our pay every month. Being a part of the middle class is more than having access to education and homeownership. In fact, those are essential aspects that should be guaranteed for all income groups. The American middle class is the epitome of a lifestyle that the whole world has embraced. And yet, Americans are being excluded from the culture they created themselves. Our standard of living is declining at a breathtaking speed, and that's a process that gets even worse with each passing year. With a recession at our door, conditions are expected to get even tougher in the foreseeable future.It's sad but it's true: the American middle class is getting poorer over the years, and in today's video, we compiled several services, products, assets, goods, or lifestyle choices the current generation of middle-income earners can't really spend their money on.
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