同性婚は違憲、家庭の崩壊につながる、少子化が加速するといった主張は全部統一教会が同性パートナーシップが始まった頃に強調していた論点だから。世界日報の同性婚についての記事はそういう主張ばかり。自民党の議員からの主張は、旧来の統一教会の主張のコピペ。 https://t.co/9iAt6sR87q
— kazukazu88 (@kazukazu881) February 11, 2023
— Marriage For All Japan – 結婚の自由をすべての人に マリフォー (@marriage4all_) February 11, 2023
世耕参院議員、2019年の参院選での朝日・東大谷口研究室共同調査では「男性同士、女性同士の結婚を法律で認めるべきだ」に賛成と答えているようだけど。 https://t.co/XnzB88blJi https://t.co/LVvvelmUaT
— kazukazu88 (@kazukazu881) February 11, 2023
池田信夫 Retweeted
— 月刊『Hanada』編集部 (@HANADA_asuka) February 11, 2023
同性婚「憲法は認めず」 自民・世耕氏https://t.co/i0tAUvWuM3
— 池田信夫 (@ikedanob) February 11, 2023
○ 日銀はすべての当座預金に金利をつける必要はない。山本 金利があがっちゃうとどうなるんですか?三橋 この部分はあげようがないんです。もともと日銀が決めて0.1%なんですから。
— Toshi Ogata (尾形 聡彦) (@ToshihikoOgata) February 7, 2023
記事→https://t.co/KmGWHwVfa1 pic.twitter.com/noRjWcjMH5
おもしろい比喩。 ただ、貧者や中間層が余裕のある生活ができれば、富裕層がいても別にいいとは思う。モノポリーやポーカーなど金を戦術に使うゲームを始める際には全員に均一の資金が配られます。ゲームを長く続けると格差が広がって富裕者しか勝てずゲームが動かなくなります。だから富裕者から金を回収して貧者に配ってゲームを活性化させます。これがアメリカで行われたニューディール政策です。 https://t.co/g04QMDt7Ha
— 町山智浩 (@TomoMachi) February 11, 2023
The neutral rate of interest is unobservable, but it can be estimated based on analysis of a variety of economic indicators. In its most basic form, it is the short-term interest rate that would prevail when the economy is at full employment and stable inflation. In other words, an equilibrium rate of interest that is neither expansionary nor contractionary.This measure is the rate at which desired savings equal desired investments or the rate at which growth is close to potential and inflation is stable.You won’t find the neutral rate quoted on your computer screen or in the financial section of the newspaper. The neutral rate is an “inferred” rate—that is, it is estimated based on various analyses and observations. This rate is not static. It is a dynamic rate that varies based on a range of economic and financial market factors.Despite the fact that judging the level of the neutral rate is inherently uncertain and imprecise, many of us at the Federal Reserve pay close attention to the various models that seek to estimate this rate. The reason is that, despite the relatively wide confidence bands around these estimates, they can provide an indication, albeit imperfect, of whether our monetary stance is accommodative, neutral or restrictive.
Public investment spending, to the extent that it generates future increases in fiscal revenues, can be partly financed by debt without threatening debt sustainability, something that any rule should reflect. Too often, the application of simple rules has led to inefficient cuts in public investment.
The cancellation of the government debt on the balance sheet of the central bank has no effect on the liabilities of the consolidated government, and thus does not increase its fiscal space. It is at best useless and at worst counterproductive by decreasing the perceived independence of the central bank.
The second view assumes implicitly that monetary policy is not or cannot be used and that the main task of fiscal policy is thus macro stabilization. This view is known as the "functional finance" view, so baptized by Abba Lerner. In this case, fiscal policy must compensate for variations in private demand in order to maintain output at potential. If private demand is chronically low, then governments must run sustained deficits.
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