
”Both Hitler and Putin projected their own murderous beliefs onto... their enemies”

As Jewish groups have pointed out, Putin has not established extermination camps or gas chambers as Hitler did to carry out the mass murder of European Jews. But Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky has directly called the indiscriminate bombardment of his country’s major towns and cities “a genocide”


Unlike Hitler, however, Putin does not think of Ukrainians as subhumans, let alone a malignant global threat to the existence of his country. He thinks of them as Russians.


 It followed that apart from the tiny minority of “Nazis” who ruled them, Ukrainians would welcome the Russians as they liberated them from foreign occupation.

ナチがウクライナの国民を支配しているから、その外国の占領から解放してやれば、ウクライナの国民は歓迎するだろう、と考えた、と・・・(ーーー本当にそう思ったのか・・・・侵略のためにそういう理屈を思いついて言っているだけなのか・・・・ )

Nato and the EU, bystanders when Russia occupied the Crimean peninsula and then the eastern borderland provinces of Ukraine, have surprised Putin by taking strong and concerted action to impose sanctions that are already damaging the Russian economy.


 Both Hitler and Putin were encouraged in their deadly illusions by subordinates who did not utter a word of criticism of their policies. This may well be because of fear of the consequences of disagreeing.

ヒットラーもプーチンも裸の王様 部下は上司を批判するのを恐れているわけだね。

  Both Hitler and Putin projected their own murderous beliefs onto those they imagined to be their enemies: Hitler and Goebbels justified the Holocaust by claiming that the Jews were aiming to exterminate the German race, while Putin and his subordinates have justified his assault on Ukraine by claiming that the “Nazis” in the country’s leadership were aiming to exterminate the Russians in the eastern Donbas region.


Putin apparently has abandoned the idea of regime change in Ukraine and is opting for the division of the country instead.


Still, the mass murder of civilians seems to be a product of defeat and retreat; it was not planned in advance, unlike the mass murder of Ukrainians and other “Slavs” by the invading Germans in the Second World War.


 For Hitler, the invasion of the Soviet Union was only a step in the direction of world domination......Putin’s aims are far more limited. He is driven by a committed and misdirected nationalism that wants to reverse the territorial settlement of the early 1990s and re-establish Russia in the ranks of the great powers.



出典: フリー百科事典

Genocide is the result in both cases. The fact that Hitler’s was planned, and Putin’s is not, does not take anything away from the horror of what is happening in Ukraine today.









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