岡部芳彦教授 東方拡大 で検索ウと露で教鞭を執った経験を持つ岡部芳彦教授は最初から、NATOの東方拡大は関係ない、プーチンが右翼歴史本に嵌り、ウは露の一部だと信じて領土を取り返すために侵攻を始めた、と言っていた。NATOと露が妥結すべきと主張する人は分かっていない。プーチンが狂っただけ。 https://t.co/fL7FQynxGW
— H.S. Kim (@xcvbnm67890) April 5, 2022
[PDF]CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS - Montclair State University
A statist paradigm, for instance, leads John Mearsheimer to predict that "the situation between Ukraine and Russia is ripe for the outbreak o f security competition between them. Great powers that share a long and unprotected commo n border, like that between Russia and Ukraine, often lapse into competition driven by security fears. Russia and Ukraine might overcome this dynamic and learn to live together in harmony, but it would be unusual if they do." 1 6
A civilizational approach, on the other hand, emphasizes the close cultural, personal, and historical links between Russia and Ukraine and the intermingling of Russians and Ukrainians in both countries, and focuses instead on the civilizational fault line that divides Orthodox eastern Ukraine from Uniate western Ukraine, a central historical fact of long-standing which, in keeping with the "realist" concept of states as unified and self-identified entities, Mearsheimer totally ignores. While a statist approach highlights the possibility of a Russian Ukrainian war, a civilizational approach minimizes that and instead highlights the possibility of Ukraine splitting in half, a separation which cultural factors would lead one to predict might be more violent than that of Czechoslovakia but far less bloody than that of Yugoslavia. These different predictions, in turn, give rise to different policy priorities. Mearsheimer's statist prediction of possible war and Russian conquest of Ukraine leads him to support Ukraine's having nuclear weapons. A civilizational approach would encourage cooperation between Russia and Ukraine, urge Ukraine to give up its nuclear weapons, promote substantial economic assistance and other measures to help maintain Ukrainian unity and independence, and sponsor contingency planning for the possible breakup of Ukraine.
ミアシャイマーと ハンチントンーどっちがあたったとも言えないなああ。
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